
Akena announces his presidential ambition 2026

 The UPC party President has again announced his presidential ambition in 2026 while meeting with his supporters in Dokolo district on Saturday.

 Jimmy Akena, also the lira City East MP was accompanied by some party leaders,they received a warm welcome in the District.

 The January 13,2024 Mobilization tour of Dokolo was the first in 2024, after Akena launched nationwide tours in Apac last year.

 The first place he visited in Dokolo was Awala village Bardyang Paris in adok Sub county, Where he remembered the late Dr. Syrlo Egwange who was killed by the late president idi Amin Dada in 1972.

Dr. Syrlo Egwange was not only the late Dr Apollo Milton Obote s Best friend But also One of the Men who was behind his two time presidency,he would host Obote at his rural house discussing with him political strategies and UPC party affairs among others.

Unfortunately ,he was brutally killed by Amin, his corpse was never returned home for burial, Where later a grave would later be dug by his family  to just show he was buried.

  Akena also visited the home of the last Adunia Olwa in Agobe B cell, Agwata town council, Adunia who died in 1982 was a strong UPC supporters during the reign of the late president Dr. Apollo Milton Obote.

 In Acandyang A village, Aneralibi Paris Okwongodul Sub county,he also remembered the late John Ojede who died in 2022, The deceased was born in 1927.

Addressing his supporters at Angwec Ibange primary school in Dokolo town council, Akena voiced his concerns about the state of service delivery in Uganda.

 He said education and health care are failing,expressing his disappointment in the government's failure to provide essential medical supplies to health facilities,On peace and stability, Akena said he struggled for peace with out using a gun noting that,some were moving with a guns and saying kony Joseph is no More, but people would be attacked the next day.

l used my mind and looked for Joseph kony and when peace came back, other problems became a very real in Lango, Acholi And Teso Sub regions according to akena.
By Arao Denis

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