
Campaign launched for Ugandans to tour EACOP oil sites

In a new campaign dubbed the #90DaysOfOil, at least ten (10) Ugandans will be given the opportunity to visit the Albertine Graben Region in Bunyoro Region. The field visit will cover the different oil sites to give participants an appreciation of the actual ongoing works and opportunities therein, especially for linkages with other sectors of the economy.

The visit has been supported by the Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum (UCMP), the body charged with representing private companies with an active interest in the Uganda mining and petroleum sectors while protecting and fostering responsible exploration and services in mining and petroleum sectors.

According to UCMP, the procedure to pick the ten visitors will be on the basis of the comments and activity on social media under the Hashtag #SupportEACOP2022.

Members interested in the visit will comment with the hashtag highlighting areas where they need clarification and those with the highest retweets will be chosen for the tour as and when the time is set.

Government and stakeholders have been put under pressure by the European Parliament resolution that seeks intervention from partners to stop the EACOP pipeline project siting among other issues: Human Rights violations, the unclear compensation plan for project affected persons and detrimental effects to the climate among others.

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