
Do not blame government for your poverty.Mp Okot to youth.

Member of parliament for youth in North Okot told unemployed youth not to hold the government accountable for their poverty.

    A Northern youth’s members of parliament Boniface Okot says the youth population is not significantly contributing to the country social,economic development due to high rates of poverty among the youth.

 Okot was closing youth conference for Lira district at Lira Job centre in Lira City East division as a chief guest.

He continued that 78% of youth in Uganda contribute nearly to the total population, where by Northern Uganda contribute the highest rates of unemployment youth in the country.

The theme for this year celebration was ” promoting youth participation in social, economic transformation”.

Addressing the youth during the conference Abdul George the residents district commissioner of APAC trained the youth leaders on mindset change.

 The chairperson Lira district youth council, Sodrick Ogwang says youth face many challenges in building their capacity.
 Lastly he continues that the national youth policy 2001 by the ministry of Gender labour and social development advocates for mobilization of resources to promote youth participation and integration in the main stream of national development.

By Arao Denis

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