
MP Okot donates Three tones of Maize to his voters.

19th,09, 2022


     Area member of Parliament for kioga North Constituency in Amolatar   District Moses Junior Okot bitek asked donated 3000 kilo of Hybrid Uh 5355 Maize seeds  to help his voters in order to run out of poverty. 

    Speaking to our news desk, MP Okot said, he asked used part of his salary worth 12 million Uganda shillings to buy with the seed from the government of Uganda under the Uganda prisons service seed project. 

   According to him, he said the most affected people are Youths, Elders, women among others, where he distributed this Maize seeds to the Youths, District councillors, and Lc3 chairpersons with in his constituency. 

  This Maize seed was parked in a bag of five kilo , where each  benefitiallies received 5kilo per persons, Lydia Alaba a youth councilor who received said this will get them from poverty and advice youths to be the good example to the people who receive this project. 

   Lastly, MP Okot also warns people against sealing this maize seeds, as others families they could even seal to their friends for drinking alcohol.

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