
Oyam District CAO under fire over failure to implement council resolutions

Councilors of Oyam district have accused the district Chief Administrative Officer-CAO of failure to implement council resolutions.

In a council meeting held at the district council hall on Tuesday, the councilors led by Easy Bash Macar the male workers’ councilor and Nelson Oloa the councilor of Myene Sub County accused the CAO of Oyam, Walter Eryama of deliberately refusing to implement the council resolutions.

Among the resolutions that the CAO is said to have failed to implement include; a tour to build the capacity of councilors, laxity to reinstate the office attendant, Dorcus Akello who they say was illegally interdicted and increment of councilors’ allowances from Shs. 60,000 to Shs. 100,000.

However, Eryama said he failed to implement the resolutions due to financial constraint.

About interdiction the office attendant Dorcus Akello he said it was meant to give room for investigation to be carried out against her.

Akello is accused of sneaking into the office of the CAO and using his official stamp to stamp appointment letters without his consent.

However, Easy bash maintains that Akello’s interdiction was not in accordance with the law, since she was neither made to appear before the disciplinary committee nor given prior warning.

By Arao Denis

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