
A nasty accident claims 16 lives along Kampala- Gulu highway.

Police in Kamdini have registered a nasty accident where lives have been lost and unspecified number of victims rushed to Atapara Hospital for treatment.
It’s alleged that Bus Registration Number UAT 259P which belongs to Roblyn bus company was traveling from Kampala to Gulu ramped into a stationary trailer at around midnight of the 6th January 2023 along Kampala-Gulu highway, allegedly the trailer was loading at Adebe trading center just one kilometer to corner Kamdini check point.
Police traffic and general duty visited the scene immediately on receiving the report and confirmed 11 people died on spot while 5 others died from the hospital meaning so far a total of 16 dead bodies and yet to be identified number of victims rushed to Atapara Hospital, some in critical condition for treatment.
Dead bodies conveyed to Anyeke Health IV pending postmortem.
Cause of the accident is yet to be established but preliminary findings indicates wrong parking by the trailer driver with no warning signs.
It’s a very unfortunate incident, we call for calmness from members of the public, however
It’s alleged that Bus Registration Number UAT 259P which belongs to Roblyn bus company was traveling from Kampala to Gulu ramped into a stationary trailer at around midnight of the 6th January 2023 along Kampala-Gulu highway, allegedly the trailer was loading at Adebe trading center just one kilometer to corner Kamdini check point.
Police traffic and general duty visited the scene immediately on receiving the report and confirmed 11 people died on spot while 4 others died from the hospital meaning so far a total of 15 dead bodies and yet to be identified number of victims rushed to Atapara Hospital, some in critical condition for treatment.
Dead bodies conveyed to Anyeke Health IV pending postmortem.
Cause of the accident is yet to be established but preliminary findings indicates wrong parking by the trailer driver with no warning signs.
It’s a very unfortunate incident, we call for calmness from members of the public.
The 16 dead bodies are yet to be identified as postmortem is being conducted, however the 21 injured has been identified as follows;

  1. Akello Mary Lucy 44 yrs old from Kitgum.
  2. Auma Rose 47 yrs old from Kitgum.
  3. Oyo Francis 38 yrs old from Lamwo.
  4. Akanya Caroline 30 yrs old from Kitgum.
  5. Alimo Nancy 20 yrs old from Kitgum.
  6. Oluka Morris 28 yrs old from Gulu.
  7. Acele Denis 43 yrs old from Kitgum.
  8. Okwera David 35 yrs old from Kitgum.
  9. Okecha Patrick 36 yrs old from Zombo.
  10. Anyway Benson 55 yrs old from Pader.
  11. Akello Flavia 32 yrs old from Kitgum.
  12. Odur Albert 43 yrs old from Gulu.
  13. Acaye Joseph 30 yrs old from Gulu.
  14. Ayaa Beatrice 30 yrs old from Kitgum.
  15. Agwech Kevin 34 yrs old from Kitgum.
  16. Laker Christine 40 yrs old from Kitgum.
  17. Nafuna Rehema Sarah 27 yrs old from Mukono.
  18. Acen Proscivia 24 yrs old from Kitgum.
  19. Not able to talk yet.
  20. Not able to talk yet.
  21. Not able to talk yet.
    We pray for a speedy recovery for the injured and souls of the departed ones to Rest in eternal peace.

According to SP Patrick Jimmy Okema
PRO-North Kyoga

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