
Achola Susan donated seven tents to the community.

Apac, Uganda – The former woman parliamentary candidate for Apac District under the UPC party, Susan Engola on the 8th of September, 2023 donated tents to the community to help them cut costs in community events like burial and marriage.

The super politician handed over the tents to the community in Apac Boma ground during an event presided over by her party president, Jimmy James Akena over the week.
She said this will help the voters to reduce costs while organizing functions within their areas.

Jimmy Michael Akena, who also doubles as the Lira City East MP and son of the late UPC president Dr. Apollo Milton, thanked Susan Engola for her support to the community much she is not yet in office. He commissioned the sitting tents

“I need to give a special thank you here. There is a lady who made us to be here today. She invited me to come and commission the tent,” said Akena.
He went ahead and assured the people of Apac that UPC would continue with their mobilization across the country with the party leaders so that finish the journey of being in a state house.
MP Akena who arrived in Apac using the ferry on Lake Kwania, earlier on while in Akokoro told the UPC leaders that he would wish to be buried near his father..when God calls him.
He also equally said the Party recorded Victory in Oyam because of Unity.
“We won in Oyam because we were united. Nobody is going to steal the vote of UPC.” Akena said.

By Arao Denis

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