
Amolatar central police station accused for releasing suspected arsonists

Residents of Muntu Sub County, Amolatar district have petitioned the district police commander of Amolatar accusing the OC CID of Muntu police post of releasing suspected arsonists on grounds that the police cells were full.

Patrick Omondo a resident of Odyak village in Odyak parish, Muntu Sub County in his letter dated 19/4/2023, said he and his family survived narrowly after the house they were sleeping in was set ablaze.

On 27/4/2023, Omondo said police arrested three people including; Anna Akello, Peter Awio and one Okodi and they were charged with arson vide SD 13/20/04/2023.

When the suspects were taken to Muntu police post, Omodo said the OC CID of Muntu released the suspects on claims that the police cells were full.

Omondo wonders why the suspects were not transferred to nearby police posts and fears that police could have been bribed to tamper with the case to deny them justice.

Amolatar District police commander Jacob Chepsiko said they have not been detaining suspects who have committed minor offenses since the state prosecutor has been in Kampala and they could not be arraigned in court.

Meanwhile Jimmy Patrick okema the north kyoga regional police spoke person Said he wasn’t informed about the case.

By Arao Denis

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