
Amolatar district speaker Ojok arrested over murder

Kampala- Police are holding the Amolatar district speaker Patrick Ojok and his two brothers in connection to the kidnap and murder of a one Kenneth Ayo.

Fred Enanga the police spokesperson confirmed this during a weekly press conference at police headquarters in Kampala on Monday.

According to Enanga, Ojok was arrested together with his two brothers; Denis Otim and Isaac Opio with whom he is alleged to have committed the offense.

“When we received this complaint at our police in Kagugube under Wandegeya, we instituted inquiries and we noticed that the district speaker was following Kenneth Ayo whom he said was having an intimate relationship with his wife,” said Enanga

He notes that Ayo was abducted on October 8, 2022 around Gadhaffi mosque in Kampala and tortured on the way to Amolatar succumbing to the injuries.

“They tied him and transported him from Kampala to Amolatar while torturing him. They even had a spanner which they were using to hit him. Unfortunately the victim succumbed to the injuries around Nakasongola. When they noticed the victim had died, they removed the body from the car and buried it in one of the bushes in Nakasongola,” said Enanga

He added, “We managed to establish the place where they tortured and buried this man, it was around Wabigalo trading centre.

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