
Fishermen complain about soldiers deployed on lakes

The leader of opposition in parliament Hon. Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba wants a special parliamentary inquest into human rights violations committed by soldiers deployed on Uganda’s lakes.
This is after fishermen at Kigungu landing site in Entebbe told him of brutality meted out to them by soldiers camped at Nfo island which is adjacent to the landing site.

Shadow Minister for Fisheries, Helen Nakimuli, wants the Defence and Veteran Affairs Minister, Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja, investigated for alleged involvement in illegal fishing. Reports suggest that the Minister, through a one Kaweesi, owns 100s of fishing boats with inscriptions “wacha waseme” that are used in illegal fishing activities

Entebbe Municipality MP, Michael Kakembo, says, some well-placed persons in the government had parcelled out the landing site into plots in total disregard of the NEMA Act which created a 200-metre buffer zone.

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