
How schools performed in UCE exams 2022 in Lango

The 2022 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examination results released on Thursday show improved performance compared to the previous year.

According to UNEB Executive Director, Dan Odongo, a total of 329,939 candidates passed UCE exams in 2022 compared to the 311,233 who passed in 2020.

As different schools continue to celebrate good performance in the exams, we bring you the top ten schools in Lango sub-region according to the results released by Education and Sports Minister Janet Kataha Museveni.

St. Mary’s College Secondary School Aboke maintained it’s first position after 88% of its candidates passed in division one. Out of the 57 candidates that sat the UCE exams from the school, 50 passed in division one and seven (12%) in division two.

This was followed by Mentor Secondary School in Lira where 75 of the 151 candidates (50%) that sat for the exams obtained first grade and 67 (44%) second grade.

In the third position is Wisdom High School, Akalo who have 63 of the 157 candidates (40%) in division one and 75 (48%) in division two.

Dara Christian High School, Lira came in the 4th position after 34 of the 88 candidates (39%) that sat for the exams from the school passed in division one and 42 (48%) in division two.

It was followed by Dr. Obote College Boroboro where 56 candidates of the 167 (34%) came in division one and 88 (53%) in two .

In the sixth position is St. Gracious Secondary School, Lira which had 34 candidates out of the 139 (32%) in first grade and 58 (42%) in second grade.

Light Vocational Secondary School came in the seventh position as 26% of its candidates obtained first grade. A total of 348 candidates sat the exams from the school of which 89 passed in division one and 152 (44%) in two.

At number eight is Comboni College, Lira where 31 candidates of the 173 (18%) passed in division one and 87 (50%) in two

This was followed by St. Katherine Secondary School in the ninth position which had 44 candidates in first grade out of the 256 that sat representing 17%. 101 passed in second grade representing 39%.

In the 10th position is Faith Secondary School, Lira which has 22 in division one out of the 222 who sat for the exams representing 10%. 55 obtained.

By Arao Denis

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