
ICPAU junior Woodball Championship 2024 goes to Lwengo district

Over 600 participants from 40 primary and secondary schools all over Uganda are set to participate in ICPAU Junior Championship, these have qualified through their different regional schools’ qualifiers which took place from February to May 2024.

The championship attracts juniors from primary and secondary schools and this year’s edition is to be hosted in Lwengo district at St. Mary’s Kitooro Primary School on 15th June 2024, and the first of this kind to happen in the district where it is warmly welcomed as the sports representative from the district said. ” we are ready for the championship and it is the first national championship we are hosting as the district, we are sure that at the end the visitors and we the hosts shall benefit from this.” Kiwanuka Ahmed Ali said.

The president Uganda Woodball Federation Paul Mark Kayongo on the championship en lighted on the concern of spreading the game countrywide as one of the requirements by the National Council of Sports according to the new policy promoting regional balance. Here he pointed on the 10 years strategic plan by the federation to reach each region where they have hosted, and plan to host different championships.

Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU) who have finacially sponsored the championship for the last 14 years since 2010 have committed there sponsorship by injecting in this year’s edition 25 Ug. million shillings that will cover the budget in medals, trophies, T-Shirts and others .

The CEO ICPAU CPA Derrick Nkajja on handing over the cheque to the federation said the reason to support the young ones is that they get a chance to reach out to these pupils to guide them on their carriers while helping them using their bodies, heads , hands and minds in sports.


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