
Let them stop their grants, but no homosexuality in Uganda.Mbayo to whites

Former minister for presidency and woman of Parliament Luuka district Hon. Esther Mbayo Mbulaakubuuza said if the whites want to cease giving us grants because of Anti Homosexuality act in Uganda, let them stop. Mbayo said this during the burial ceremony of the late Mafumo Adonia the brother to Owek. Richard Mafumo minister for culture in obwakyabazinga bwa Busoga. This burial ceremony had collected very many nobles from obwakyabazinga bwa Busoga ie Samaanya Sajjabi the Principal personal secretary to the Kyabazinga ( Ssebyaama), George William Mutyabuule, speaker of the Busoga lukiiko, Patrick Mudhungu Isabirye, the leader of  witch doctors in Busoga.

Engineer Luke Kyobe Inensiko the member of Parliament Luuka north constituency said because of the love he has had with the late councilor, he has promised to work on all roads of Ikumbya sub-county and also give a hand to the orphans.

Wakaze Simon the chairman LC5 Luuka district told his councilors that whenever you’re in council, always give first priority to Ikumbya sub-county being that it’s now an orphan sub-county.

Richard Mafumo minister for culture in Busoga kingdom said that as the family of Mafumo, they look forward to saying every member of the family do good, no Wonder why the diseased died a good man.

By Alamanzani Oluddu

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