
Security from Pader Orders Ban on Disco During X-mass festivities

Security from Pader Orders Ban on Disco During X-mass festivities.

 While several people across the country are planning huge concerts and merry Christmas, Pader district the security committee has ordered a ban in all the discos and other night performance in the district citing the security incidents that have resulted in injuries and death of several people in the past few weeks

In a letter date by the Security to all the town councils and sub county chairpersons, Milton Odongo the Residents District commissioner of Pader, said no discos should be staged in any part of the district unless cleared by the security committee. 

 Odongo letter stemmed from intelligence briefs indicating that armed youth from Kigtum, and Agago district were sneaking in to the district for discos and assaulting others. 

According to RDC, the youth armed with deadly weapons have so far assaulted and injured three residents of Lamel village. 

This all come after security committee report state that on the 6th of Dec, at about 1:00am during a disco dance at Lacinga north village, otong parish, ogom sub county. a one Walter Komakech beat to death a 24 yes old boy identified as Walter Akera.
By Arao Denis

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