
The UPDF has finally allowed former spymaster Gen David Sejusa to retire.

Gen David Sejusa

According to the list released by the UPDF, Gen Sejusa whose force number is RO00031 is number two on the list of the army general officers retiring from active service today during a function currently going on at State House in Entebbe and presided over by the commander in chief of the armed force, President Museven

However it is not clear in regards of his retirement package since he has not been receiving salary from the UPDF since 2013 when he fell out with government and consequently fled out of the country into exile. It should be remembered that Sejusa later dragged government to court for refusal to pay his emoluments but at the same time not retiring him from active service of the army.

This list also has the former Security Minister, Gen Elly Tumwine who died last week of lung cancer and buried yesterday. He was looking forward to this ceremony , having served the army diligently for over 30 years.

However, among the notables missing on the list is former Inspector General of Police, Gen Kale Kayihura.

It is not clear whether this stemmed from the pending charges in the General Court Martial against Gen Kayihura that he could not be allowed to retire during this batch.

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