Food & Health

Welcome health development in our district. Sheikh Kigozi. Wakiso

The district kadhi embarked on a tour of different public service offices in the district, urging support for the upcoming inauguration ceremony . The tour is part of the kadhi’s efforts to mobilize the community to participate in the upcoming event.

During the tour, the kadhi visited various offices, including the district office of the CAO, the police station, and the county headquarters. The kadhi interacted with the staff and urged them to attend the inauguration ceremony , which is scheduled to take place on the 22/07/2023.

“I call upon all of you to attend the inauguration ceremony to show your support for our leaders and our community,” the kadhi said. “This is an important event for our district, and we need everyone to be part of it.”

The kadhi also encouraged the staff to spread the word about the event and to invite their friends and family to attend. “Let us all come together and celebrate our unity and progress as a community,” the kadhi added.

The tour was well-received by the staff, who appreciated the kadhi’s efforts to mobilize the community. “We are grateful for the kadhi’s visit and his call for support for the upcoming event,” said the LC3 Chairman Mende as well as theLC3 Kakiri “We will do our best to attend and to encourage others to do the same.”

The kadhi’s tour will continue to different neighbouring districts, where he will also encourage support for the event.

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