375 millions mismanaged by ministry of trade, 3 staffs handled to CID.
The parliamentary committee of trade has referred the three staff from the ministry of trade to parliamentary criminal investigation department as these were implicated in inflating the ministry fuel cards. The committee chaired by Mbarara city Mp. Hon. Mwine Mpaka took decision after the committee discovering 375 million shillings which has been mismanaged in financial year 2022 .The committee has also engaged officials from total who have approved the transaction.

The officials include former transport officer Daniel Kalule,Bryejusa Nelson a former senior accountant currently working under Naguru hospital. The committee is also investigating senior assistant secretary Rose Merry Asimwe who has been implicate in numerous irregularities.
Among the queries the committee is interested in a fuel transaction where one card was used to transact fuel amounting to 1.1 million shillings using ghost identities. The same committee is also questioning funds amounting to 59.3 million shillings which is claimed to have been utilized by the ministry to transfer file as the ministry was still undergoing renovation from farmers house in Kampala to Entebbe.
The officials were appearing jointly with permanent secretary Geraldine Ssali.

The committee members who include Bwamba county Mp. Richard Gafabusa ,Kaberamaido Mp. Alfred Edakaasi and Dokolo county MP Cecila Ogwal questioned and committee chairperson Mwine Mpaka questioned who authorized this transaction which has ended up wasting of tax payers money.
The committee is investigating 8 billion shillings which was supposed to relocate the ministry however the ministry instead underwent renovation. While appearing before the committee the ministry permanent secretary Geraldine Sali issued the cash breakdown .The committee is also questioning the Cash breakdown where 507 million was utilized to transport files.
By Namagembe Joweria