
A woman arrested for defiling 14 years old boy-Lira City

The territorial police in Lira-City CPS are holding Apiny Caroline 33 years old on allegations of aggravated defilement which was reported by
Omech Isaac aged 55 years old a father to the victim, they are a resident of Ireda Agali cell Ireda Division Lira-City.

SP Jimmy Patrick Okema said that this incident happened on the 29th October 2023, where the suspect Apiny Caroline convinced Omara to meet her in some unfinished house in the neighborhood.

According to the police indeed the victim went and found Apiny seated on a plastic chair where she welcomed him and made him to sit on the same chair too, where she later told him to have sex with her and immediately she started playing with the victim’s private part.

Okema added that there after Apiny removed her nickers, pushed the victim’s private part into her private part and performed a sexual act with the boy,And she later warned Omara not to tell anybody and that if she heard it she was going to harm him.

But in police report Omara Gabriel later informed his father Omech Isaac who reported the matter to the Police.

Scene was visited after the father reported the matter and documented, statements recorded from the reporter and witnesses, suspect arrested and is in custody.

Okema continued that the Victim was examined on Pf3A, Suspect also examined on Pf 24A while
Case file of Aggravated Defilement has been registered under CRB 785/2023, file compiled and submitted to the office of the RCSA for perusal and legal advice, it has been sanctioned and suspect is being arranged to court.

By Arao

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