
Ajuri disabled people receive wheelchairs.

Ateast 30 disabled people in Ajuri County in Alebtong district have received wheelchairs to ease their mobility to participate in community activities and access social services.

The Government Chief Whip, Denis Hamson Obua delivered the walking devices and handed them over to the beneficiaries on 28th January at Apami primary school in Abako Sub County.

They lauded Obua for the initiative saying more are still needed because only 30 are not even half of the disabled persons in the district.

Walter Ocoro, the secretary for disability at Ocokober parish in Adwir Sub County, says it should not only stopped in wheelchairs but tricycle is also one of the best walking device.He also added that accessibility of government facilities such as health units and schools is not easy to persons with disability because of its structural design which is not disability friendly.

The chairperson LC3 of Amugu sub county David Ojom who is also a disabled person called upon people to continue supporting people with disabilities.“People think we are unable but we are also very able to do what other people can do,” he says. The district woman Member of Parliament Dorcas Acen described the donation as a big relief to both mothers and caretakers of the category who are spending a lot of money and carrying them to school.“Also from the perspective of the parents and elderly,
This something that will help them to move around and access social services,” she added.

Obua warned people against misusing the items because it is strict offered to persons with disabilities but not abled people.“This wheelchairs are strictly for the beneficiaries (disabled persons). It is not for ferrying anything at home but it is only for them to enable him or her move,” he adds.“Let us not turn them into family transport to ferry commodities to the market which is not the usage because the usage has been restricted and limited to those crippled persons,” he says.He says the demand for the wheelchairs for disabled persons is overwhelming not only in Alebtong but in the all country.

By Arao Denis

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