
Alebtong district officials on the spot for selling government bicycles.

Some LC1 chairpersons in Alebtong district have reportedly sold off the bicycles that were recently distributed by government to ease their work.

According to reports, so far two LC1 chairpersons have sold off the bicycles.

Alebtong district chairman David Kennedy Odongo said they received reports that the LC1s had sold each of the bicycles at Shs 200,000.

Odongo said one of the bicycles was sold in Adwir while the other was sold in Akura Sub Counties.

Odongo added he has tasked the LC3 chairpersons of the two Sub Counties to identify those who sold the bicycles and have them arrested for selling government property.

Adwir Sub County chairman Paddy Francis Ogwang Abwang identified the LC1 chairperson of Telela village called Oola Joel as the person who sold the government bicycle.

Ogwang Abwang said Oola fled arrest by police recently and his whereabouts remains unknown.

He said Oola will be hunted down, arrested and made to buy a new bicycle to replace the one they sold.

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