
Amolatar -Teachers of Chakwara Primary school in Amolatar are stranded following a heavy storm that destroyed their houses.

Amolatar -Teachers of Chakwara Primary school in Amolatar are stranded following a heavy storm that destroyed their houses.

The destruction has affected 6 of the 13 teachers at the school. The affected teachers lost most of their personal property.

Some of these teachers are now operating from home whereas others are occupying one of the classroom blocks.

The rain also destroyed school properties like textbooks, pupils’ EMIS registration forms, and vital documents that were stored in the head teacher’s office. The wind also broke a huge tree that fell and partly destroyed a classroom block.

Morris Odyany, a teacher at the school, says that operating from home is not only affecting him but his learners as well because the current morning rain delays him at home.

Maureen Akello, the head teacher of the school says although some teachers’ houses did not collapse, they are now weak and on the verge of collapsing should it rain again.

According to her, the school is organizing an emergency stakeholder meeting to find a solution to address the challenge because parents have not been contributing the 10,000 Shillings for development fees.

Lawrence Nyang, the deputy head teacher of the school, says that they are stranded because the school does not have resources to provide new learning spaces for pupils. He appealed to the district and the Ministry of Education and Sports to come to their rescue.

Nixson Okwir, the chairperson Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) urged parents to contribute towards the rehabilitation of the school in order for children to continue studying.

Chakwara primary school has 917 pupils out of whom 48 are primary seven candidates.

By Arao Denis

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