
Apac district grappling with high cases of teenage pregnancies

A survey conducted by USAID Rites-North Lango has revealed an increase in cases of teenage pregnancy among underage girls in Apac district which is leading in Lango with 3,102 cases registered from October 2021 to September 2022. Ibuje and Teboke Sub Counties had the highest cases of teenage pregnancies in the district.

Teboke had 602 cases, Ibuje 648, Apac municipality 725, Atik division 11, cases, while no case was registered in Agulu and Arocha divisions.

Other districts that came after Apac with highest cases of teenage pregnancies in Lango are; Oyam, Kwania, Lira city and Alebtong districts

Dr. Dorine Kenyanggi who is in charge reproductive health at USAID Rites-North Lango said these statistics were got from different health facilities in Lango.

Dr. Kenyanggi unveiled the report on this survey yesterday at a stakeholders’ meeting with Apac district leaders held at the planning board room.

Susan Acen Oyepa the deputy CAO of Apac district cautioned the public to give birth to manageable number of children to offer them quality life.

Leji Caroline the Principal nursing officer of Apac and Samson Ongebo the district Bio-Statistician blamed the high rate of teenage pregnancy in the district on laxity by parents to offer moral guidance to their children.

By Arao Denis

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