
Attempted murder in Lira City West Division

The territorial Police in Lira-City West Division with other stakeholders are hunting for a suspect who had been apprehended for being in possession of suspected stolen properties but also stabbed our officer.
It’s alleged that the officers from Angweta-Angwet police post booked out on information went and arrested a suspect, however on their way to police as they try to take the suspect to the cells without searching him,,he stabbed one officer identified as CPL Ebulu James on the right side of the chest.
This incident happened today 30th Nov 2022 in the morning at around 0658 hours.
The victim has been rushed to Lira Regional Referral Hospital for treatment, scene well managed by Soco, statements recorded from eye witnesses.
Joint efforts to have the suspect re-arrested in on going.

SP Patrick Jimmy Okema

Police spokes person North Kyoga

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