
Encourage your voters to be counted for better planning- Speaker to MP’s.

The speaker of parliament Anita Annet Among has appealed to the members of parliament to talk to their electorate and encourage them to get counted so that the government can be in position to plan for them.

The speaker aired this while giving her communication to the members during today’s plenary sittings and she revealed that the exercise of population census has so far moved on very well despite of some few challenges in some areas.

Speaker Anita Among noted told the house that it is out of this ongoing census exercise that the government will be in position to know the exact number of people in the country and also to know all those people leaving in urban and those leaving in rural areas plus also knowing those who are employed and those unemployed so that the government can plan for them.

Among noted that some Ugandans who have negative thoughts on population census need to be talked too by their Mps so that they can accept to be counted.

Meanwhile the speaker of parliament has also informed the house that finally the confederation of African football -CAF has approved Namboole stadium to host international games which means that Uganda cranes will host its next two FIFA world cup qualifying matches next month in Namboole stadium whereby Uganda cranes will be playing Botswana and Algeria on 7th and 10th june respectively

The speaker also thanked members of parliament for the fight they put in place to see that Namboole stadium is finished in time and she also thanked the president of Uganda for all the finances to renovate the stadium.

By Namagembe Joweria

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