
Four Candidates miss exams in Lira Town College.

 Authorities of Lira Town College in lira city are investigating a case under which four of their candidates have failed to turn up for UCE Exams. 

 According to deputy head teacher of lira town college Joseph Okello, said they that four candidates miss today Exam at the exam room 
He said they will contact the parents of the candidates to find out more about the matter . after their 4 candidates miss exams out of 449 who registered for UCE 2022 at lira town college. 

   He added that  on the other side lira town college Annex out of 89 candidates 2 also missed today first paper. ,Mr Okello cited that among the candidates one  woman she is siting with his baby, after she was preginanted
Today 17th, Oct senior 4 candidates around the country started their UCE exams paper with Mathematics, 

Meanwhile Jasper Abura the principle Education officer of lira city have warned the school again stealing exams.
By Arao Denis

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