
Invest in programs that generate income for clans – Chief Okune

The Lango Paramount Chief Eng. Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune has rallied clan heads to work together with clan members to initiate investment programs that could generate income for the clans.

Odongo Okune said clan members should begin to invest in businesses which would help them towards paying school fees for children who are bright but needy and real estate whose proceeds should be pooled together to support different clan programs.

Odongo Okune cited his own clan Okar Omwono which he says invested in commercial tree growing and also established Okar Omwono education trust fund from which they were able to facilitate one member of the clan from Amolatar to study engineering.

He asked other professionals to also make investments that will last for generations adding that they should also establish endowment funds to finance charitable and nonprofit institutions such as churches, hospitals, and studies for vulnerable groups like persons with disability in universities among others.

Odongo Okune said other associations like Lango parliamentary group and Lango LCVs and mayor’s forum should equally save funds to support bright but needy students in Lango so that their legacy can remain for years and years in Lango and the whole country.

By Arao Denis

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