
Jimmy Akena asked women to support girls child Education.

MP for Lira City East division Jimmy James Michael Akena Obote has appealed to men against battering their women.

Akena Obote makes this remarks today while he was speaking as the chief guest at the belated women’s day celebrations for Lira City held at Lira Town College played grounds , where he said it is uncultured for men to beat their women’s as a result of domestic matters.

Mean while  Sam Atul, Lira City mayor's asked the people of Lira city to embrace on  Parish Development Model program to improve their livelihood 

On the others hand’s, George Okello Ayo Lira City East Division Mayer’s called for unity and pea among women’s and their husbands for More development.

Resident City Commissioner,for Lira, Lawrence Egole said many people have been arrested for mismanaging39 million for EMYOOGA funds.

He threaten to arrest anyone who Will be in connection of sealing Parish Development Model funds .

By Arao Denis

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