
Mp Omara says people raiding cattle in Otuke are in military uniforms

  Otuke county member of parliament Paul Omara,has raised a concern about the rampant cattle rustlers in Lango and said this suspected cattle raiders use military uniforms.

      MP Omara , was live on a TV show where he raised a concern the of karamojong cattle raids in both Lango and Acholi Sub region, he says people who raid in Otuke ware military uniforms.

    According to the report, some locals resident in the bordering Sub counties in Otuke district, like Ogwete, Olilim And Ogor, they are now moving away with their animals to near by district which includes Alebtong, Lira, Oyam among others.

    On his statement MP Omara, wanted the government to compensate the affected victim who have lost their animals and relatives in this, that they should be compensated by the government as some people have been displaced including unnecessary killing among others.

    Omara clarify that since this matter started in a period of four months More than 400 heads of cattle have been stolen,but said locals are now waiting intervention from the government.

       Meanwhile president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Also appeal to the army higher command to discipline lazy UPDF commanders, he accused sleeping on the job during the ongoing security operation against cattle rustlers in karamoja region.

    Mr Museveni said he was meet some UPDF commander’s over that issue.

By Arao Denis

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