
Nakivubo blue primary school to get new classrooms.

Nakivubo Blue Primary School has received a boost of 500 million shillings to enhance the construction of classrooms in response to the growing number of students.

This development transpired through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the school and Japananese government.

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Kampala, Hajat Minsa Kabanda, and officials from Kampala Capital City Authority, held in Kampala.The Minister of Kampala,Hon. Hajat Minsa Kabanda, Executive director Dorothy Kisaka and officials from Kampala Capital City Authority witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of understanding between Nakivubo Blue Primary School and the Japanese government.

Minister of Kampala, Hajat Minsa Kabanda, commended the Japanese government and assured them of the judicious use of the 500 million shillings, especially considering the dense population of the school.

The head teacher of Nakivubo Blue Primary School, Agnes Mugisha, stated that the construction will align with the concept of a smart city.

Mayor of Kampala Central,Salim Uhuru, pledged to ensure proper maintenance of the classrooms, emphasizing their essential nature and assuring that there would be value for money.

Salim Uhuru mayor Kampala Central
The Japanese Ambassador to Uganda, Fakuzawa Hiqomoto, expressed that the embassy is currently constrained by the annual project selection process, highlighting the necessity for new partners.

Fakuzawa Hiqomoto Japanese ambassador to Uganda,said
the Construction of classrooms is expected to last for one year.

By Ismail Kabangala

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