
Police of Bata Town Council has arrested the LC chairman over theft of a duck.

Police of Bata Town Council has arrested the LC II chairman and two locals over theft of a duck.

Locals of Onekocani cell, Central Ward, Dokolo town council yesterday arrested the LCII chairman of Central ward, Peter Ogwel and Ambrose Epila and Benjamin Oriekot and handed them over to police after they were found slaughtering the stolen duck.

The LC1 chairman of Onekocani cell Nelson Ejom said Ogwel, Epila and Oriekot who were seen drinking alcohol together last evening stole a duck belonging to Vivian Adongo.

Ejom said that Vivian Adongo and other locals who mounted a search for the duck found the trio last night slaughtering the bird at the home of Peter Ogwel.

Adongo reported the matter to the area LC1 chairman Nelson Ejom who together with locals arrested the trio and took them to Bata town council police station where they are being held.

Ejom said they took the feathers of the stolen duck to police as exhibit to aid investigation into the matter.

Effort to speak to the Officer in charge Bata town council police station was futile as his phone was switched off by press time.

However Bata town council chairman Rashid Eton confirmed that Ogwel and his accomplices were arrested over theft of the duck.

By Arao Denis

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