

President Museveni has today cautioned locals to always avoid sectarian tendencies for the continous progress of the government’s transformation agenda.

The President made the above remark while officiating at the 37th NRM Liberation Day Celebrations held at Kakeeka Grounds, in Kakumiro district.

He said acquiring positions based on tribe or religion, among others ; can easily bring down institutions, adding that NRM has survived the terrain because it’s a broad based government.
“NRM is not a sectarian party. If you believe in sectarianism you can’t build an army with a sectarian ideology,” he vividly emphasized.

Today’s celebrations were held under the theme “Our resolute effort to transform Uganda is a promise we shall fulfill.”

President Museveni and Chairperson of the National Resistance Movement recognized the contribution of Bunyoro region towards the NRM/A liberation struggle from the time of its inception in Kabamba, Kasambya, Nabingola,Kyenjojo, Kagadi to Isunga Police in Kakumiro district where the first guns were acquired.

He acknowledged and thanked the people of Kakumiro district for the humility and favorable contribution during that time.

The President reminded the masses that NRA/M victory came about because of the four principles of Patriotism, Pan–Africanism, Social-Economic transformation and Democracy; that had been instilled out of the chaotic politics and governance that had befallen Uganda for almost 556 years.

He cautioned the masses against the bankrupt politics of identity, wars of greed and ignorance that do not allow democratic politics to survive.

He, however, implored them not to disintegrate but focus on economic activities like farming, fishing and mass education such that the whole society gets out of ignorance and superstition.

The President urged locals to focus on development, wealth creation, elimination of corruption and sectarianism, protection of the environment, among others.

Earlier, the President commissioned Buhimba-Nalweyo-Bulamagi & Bulamagi-Igayaaza-Kakumiro road project, Kakumiro district headquarters, the district NRM House and laid a foundation stone at the Kakumiro District Local Government (DLG) administration block, Kakumiro headquarters.

Speaking at the same function, the Prime Minister Rt Hon Robinah Nabanja thanked the President and Government for accepting Kakumiro district to host the celebrations. She mentioned that the people of Kakumiro district appreciate the fundamental change over the years, most especially the relentless efforts towards addressing the land issue that has been a challenge over the years.

She applauded the NRM government for the numerous achievements that include democracy, education, infrastructure, electricity, transformative programs and improved quality of life that have been driven by peace and security. “You cannot talk of achievements like development without peace,” she said.

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