
Six seed secondary schools in lango to get new teachers

The education service commission has recruited teachers to be posted to six seeds secondary schools in Lango.

These schools include; Abia seed secondary school in Alebtong district that will receive 13 teachers, Agali Seed in Lira district where 19 teachers will be posted, Okwerodot seed school in Kole district which will receive 18 teachers, Apac Seed in Apac district which is to get 15 teachers, Bata seed in Dokolo district will receive 6 teachers and Muntu seed in Amolatar district will be posted with 16 teachers.

The six seed schools were constructed by government under Intergovernmental fiscal transfer (UGIF) and equipped with classrooms, laboratories, offices among others.

 Effort by pearl FM to speak to the spokesperson, ministry of education and sports Dr. Denis Mugimba on the planned teachers’ recruitment was futile.

However, James Akung Wapakabulo the LC3 chairman of Abia Sub County in Alebtong district acknowleged government’s effort for establishing Abia seed secondary school, Abia technical institute and upgrading Oteno health center 2 to health center 3 status to improve educational performance and health service delivery in the Sub County.

He asked parents on the area to make use of the schools to educate their children.

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