
Te Kwaro Lango launched one million trees planting in Alebtong District

  More than one million trees Will be planted in Lango Sub regions this year to fight deforestation challenges according to revealed statement by Te Kwaro Lango leaders.
      While launching the project initiated  by Te kwaro lango,headed by Eng.Dr.Moses Michael Odongo Okune  yesterday at Abia seeds secondary School in Alebtong District. 

     Addressing the event as chife guest the Lango Paramount chife Okune said,the effects of climate change can be mitigated through conservation and tree planting among others intervention by requesting people of Lango today stop wasting their time in discussing nonsense that can not progress then.

    He called for unity,love among history subject and total protection of family and cultural values by every house hold to plant five trees, so that we shall have more than 20million trees across Lango sub region, which is covered by nine district and one City.
     Meanwhile Alfred Okello the Head teacher of Abia seeds secondary School who welcomed the program described the initiative relevantly necessary if Lango can protect the environment to ensure effective implementation of the drive.

     The deputy foreign affairs Minister said, they are going to use clan leaders to identify people with vast land and are interested in implementing the projects and we shall distribute the trees to them.

      Lango chife was accompanied by prime minister,Te kwaro lango George Ojwang Opota, speaker for Te kwaro lango Willy Omodo Omodo, among others.

By Arao Denis

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