
Te kwaro lango says “No” to Homosexuality marriage

The Paramount Chief of Lango Eng Dr. Moses Michael Odongo Okune has said Tekwaro Lango will not accepted any non governmental organization and individuals found promoting and recruiting people into gay business.

Dr. Odongo Okune, made the remarks during the swearing in of his new Cabinet and State Ministers, board and Commissions under Tekwaro Lango in a function held at Senior Quarters Lira City East Division.

His Highness appealed to his subjects to preserve Lango Cultural norms and vehemently reject the interest of Western Countries who he says are trying to force Ugandan and African Countries to accept same sex marriage.

He noted that Tekwaro Lango believes that gay activity is a sin in the face of God and it’s against the Cultural norms of the Lango tribe.

The Paramount Chief also asked the newly installed Ministers and boards of Commission to remain focused in working towards transforming the livelihood of Lango people through creating awareness on poverty eradication.

Eng Dr.Moses Odongo Okune said the Leadership of Tekwaro Lango is currently stable warning the faction g under Lango Cultural Foundation to stop masquerading and confusing the people of Lango.

According to Okune, Tekwaro Lango is legally operating under the 2016 Constitution which was equally gazetted by government in November 2022.

Okune, also asked President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to appreciate Lango by appointing her gallant sons and daughters in higher positions in government since Lango has  always voted massively for NRM.

George Ojwang Opota the Tekwaro Lango Prime Minister pledged that Ministers whom he heads will remain committed in developing Lango.

Ojwang Opota said Tekwaro Lango currently has a well registered and gazetted Constitution and any faction trying to confuse the people of Lango in the name of doing Constitutional amendment risk being prosecuted in the Court of Law.

By Arao Denis

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