
Teachers abscond From Duty due to failed loans

Teachers abscond From Duty due to failure to service loans

 Several teachers in APAC district are absconding from Duty due to failure to pay back loans, according to the information received from different Head teachers across the district.

Records from the Education department shows that more than 100 teachers in the district have running loans, However most of the teachers have failed to service their loans forcing them to abscond from duty for fear of being arrested.

 Addressing the Maruzi North Head teachers Over the weekend at Apac Municipality, Sam Opira the secretary health and Education in the district warned teachers from absconding from duty due to failure to service loan's which may affect the learner's performance for our children.

Opira who was Also delivering Mock Exams, which was donated by Maruzi North MP Nelson Okello, urged Head teachers to always supervise their teachers to avoid poor performance of the results at the end of the year.

Lastly, he said as leaders of the district have taken concern  about the matters, And appeal to the Head teachers to scrap off  the Names of those teachers From payroll.

Meanwhile Richard Owani Thomas, also the Head teachers of Ongica primary school, who serves as chairperson executive secretary in maruzi North, says this challenge can be abolished if government increase the salaries for the primary school teacher From 800,000=to 2Million.

MP, Lemba Okello urged teachers to put much efforts in teaching learner’s,in order to provide a good results as Education is the key for the younger generation .

  The Mock was handed over to 25 both government primary school and privates school, through the effort from their MP , Apac district has a total of 56 schools ,with the total enrollment of 1790 candidates registrar to sit UPE this year.
By Arao Denis

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