
Tekwaro Lango to partner with police, local leaders to end rising suicide cases.

Tekwaro Lango to partner with police, local leaders to end rising suicide cases with Lango sub regions.

  Tekwaro Lango leadership will work together with police and local leaders to address the rising suicide cases in Lango sub regions.
 Suicide among teen girls and young men and women is on the rise across the sub region which is made up of nine Districts, with one incident occurring on average every week .The districts are Oyam, Lira, Kole, Dokolo, Alebtong, Kwania, Apac, Otuke and Amolatar.

The increase in suicide cases in the sub region is blamed mainly on domestic violence and unmanaged mental illnesses

Following this the te kwaro paramount chief Dr. Eng Moses Micheal Odongo Okune, said All they would investigate the matter first than, cross –examine the narratives before addressing them.
He added that we shall work hand in hand with all the clan leaders, police and local leaders to understand why people are killing themselves and then find a holistic solution to the problem. And said we cannot afford to fold our hands and watch our future leaders ending their lives just like that
Dead after hanging herself in her grass thatched house in Agweng sub country lira district, According to the report she was been initiated in to a traditional marriage against her will. After the boy came with 300,000=to ask for hand in marriage.
On September 22 ,an eight year old girl ended her life in Kwania District .and the victim identified as Elly Akello allegedly hung herself using a mosquito net in Nambieso sun county. Also in May 17 years old girl committed suicide after father spanked her for returning home late and she was in senior 2.
Speaking to our reporter toward this suicide the North Kyoga Regional police spokesperson Jimmy Patrick Okema confirmed the matter and said every week 5 people are losing their lives as a result of suicide with in Lango sub regions.

By Arao Denis.

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