
Tell kwaro lango lauds president Museveni for restoring peace in Northern part of Uganda

  Te kwaro lango has lauded the National Resistance Movement NRM, under president Yoweri Museveni for rebuilding peace in Northern Uganda after the two decade insurgency. 

  Eng. Dr. Moses Micheal Odongo Okune, the lango paramount chief ( Won Nyaci , lauded the NRM government for efforts in bringing peace to the region's. 

  According to united Nation    Emirates that the Lord's Resistance Army LRA rebels killed more than 100, 000 people, abducted between 60, 000 and 100, 000 children and displaced more than 2.5 million civillian in four African countries from 1987 -2012.
Addressing journalists today at his home in lira city, Mr okune noted that during the past regines there were so many conflicts and political instabilities , but that now atmosphere is clam.       

   Paramount chief, said under the stewardship of president M7, has done a lot for this country like for instance it has brought peace and implemented many restoration programmes in northern Uganda and lango in particular. 

    Te kwaro lango further said many roads such as Dokolo -lira, Apac -Lira and Lira to Kamdini are being upgraded to ease movement of people and good across the region's. 

     Lastly, Won Nyaci, Okune also made an appeal to the government to address youths unemployment in the region, now that there is peace.
By Arao Denis

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