
Uganda muslim supreme council warns Ugandans against con men

Uganda muslim supreme council has appealed to the muslims of uganda to be extra vigilant about the people disguise as Uganda Muslim Supreme council officials to get money from unsuspecting muslims who want services from the muslims supreme body of uganda.

speaking to the media at the headquarters of Uganda Muslim Supreme council at Old Kampala, Hon. Muhammad Ali Aluma the acting secretary general of Uganda Muslim Supreme council warned Ugandan muslims that there are people pretending to be UMSC officials and getting money from muslims who want services like scholarships, hajj and Islamic banking money and appealed to the muslims to be extra vigilant and go direct to the ugandan muslim supreme council education department, department of hajj and umra and others to inquire about the services they want instead of trusting individuals.

Hon.Aluma also revealed that they have started implementing the seven components of the 5years strategic plan which he says is very crucial for the development of muslim of Uganda which include the social ,economic well being of the muslim community, improving the financial health of uganda muslim supreme council, improving the quality of uganda muslim supreme council education among others.

he also said among the components they are adopting they are lookin at strengthening the capacity of muslim clerics in the fields of leadership skills, communication skills,financial literacy, and accountability which he says have been a challenge to the muslim leaders for a long time.

By Bulyaba Hamidah

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