
Wakiso District Kadhi Meets Minister of State for Defence and Veterans Affairs

District Kadhi meets Minister of State for Defence and Veterans Affairs to invite her on his upcoming inauguration ceremony.

District Kadhi of Wakiso sheikh Elias Kigozi, met with the Minister of State for Defence and Veterans Affairs, Ms. Hajjati oleru Huda abason(MP), to extend an invitation to her on his upcoming inauguration ceremony. The meeting was held at the Ministry of State for Defence and Veterans office .

During the meeting, the District Kadhi expressed his gratitude to the Minister for her support and contribution towards the welfare of veterans in the district. He also briefed her on the details of his upcoming inauguration ceremony, which is scheduled to be held in wakiso Muslim district main offices on the 22/07/2023

Ms. Hajjati Oleru Huda abason (MP) congratulated the District Kadhi on his appointment and expressed her willingness to attend the ceremony. She also assured him of her continued support towards the welfare of veterans in the district.

The meeting concluded with both officials expressing their commitment to working together for the betterment of the district and its residents.

By Tenywa Ismail

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