
Wakiso district Kadhi sheik Kigozi has called upon people to emphasize peace.

The district kadhi of Wakiso sheik Elias Kigozi Nkangi has called upon people to emphasize peace and cooperation in order to develop Uganda and Islam at large.

Sheikh Kigozi was on a visit to Kasangati in Wakiso,where he was among the dignitaries who attended the inauguration of the appointed ambassador of Uganda to Saudi Arabia Sheik Sulaiman Ausi Lubega Ggugwa. The event was attended by many delegates from both Saudi Arabia and Uganda including the Chairman for Shurah Council Sheik Abdul Obeid Kamulegeya and the presidential representative Rt. Hon Lukia Isanga Nakadama,minister for Kampala and Metropolitan, Hon. Hajjat Minsa Kabanda, Sheik Hussein Rajab Kakooza among others.

During the ceremony, Sheik Elias Kigozi together with his team had the opportunity to meet and speak to a number of delegates. It was clear that everyone present shared a commitment to building strong relationships between their countries and promoting mutual understanding and respect.

As the District Kadhi reminded the gathering about the inauguration ceremony scheduled for 22nd July 2023.

Kigozi was particularly grateful for the opportunity to meet with the president’s representative at the event 3rd deputy prime minister Rt.Hon.Lukia Isanga Nakadama . He expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome he had received and praised the efforts of both Saudi Arabia and Uganda to strengthen their ties.

He also emphasized the importance of building bridges between different cultures and religions, and expressed his hope that events like these would help bring people together and promote peace and understanding.

By Tenywa Ismail.

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