
Alebtong district receives shillings 2bn to tarmack Odongo Okune road.

Alebtong District Local government has received funds from the Ministry of Works and Transport for tarmacking of a 2 Kilometers road stretch within the Town Council.

In a letter dated 22nd February 2023 signed by Samson Bagonza, the chief engineer at the ministry of works and transport the funds will be used for the Tarmac king of Odongo Okune road.

According to Bagonza, the 2 Kilometers road shall be tarmacked under low cost sealing to improve on the quality of roads in Alebtong Town Council.

He says government took an initiative of low cost sealing to improve on roads within Town Councils in the Country and to do away with dusty roads

David Kennedy Odongo the Alebtong District LCV Chairperson confirmed this development and acknowledged having received the letter from the ministry of works and transport directing that the said funds are strictly for tarmacking Odongo Okune road.

Odongo says they got the money after several letters they wrote to Dr.  Engineer Michael Moses Odongo Okune some years back while he was still Executive Director Uganda Road Fund

Dr. Okune is now Paramount Chief of Tekwaro Lango and also a Commissioner in the Ministry of Works and Transport.

Once the road is tarmacked, the district chairman is optimistic that Alebtong will have a clean town free from dust and he also expects improvement in business along that areas.

David Kennedy Odongo however appealed to government and Eng Moses Michael Odongo Okune the Paramount Chief of Lango to secure more funds and have more kilometers of Tarmac roads.

Moroto County area Member of Parliament Eng Samuel Okwir Odwee meanwhile observed that Alebtong district is currently grappling with dusty roads that needs tarmacking.

Okwir Odwee appeals to local leaders and Communities along Odongo Okune road to welcome the project since government has no funds to Compensate people whose property may be affected.

By Arao Denis

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