
Buganda Royals want contribution of Ssekabaka Nuhu Rashid Kalema acknowledged

A group of Buganda royals from the lineage of Ssekabaka Nuhu Rashid Kalema have noted with concern that the early part of Muslim history in Buganda especially the contribution of Ssekabaka Nuhu Kalema was erased from historical records.

Kalema was the only Muslim monarch who reigned over Buganda Kingdom. He reigned between 1888 and 1890.

They argued that even the names of prominent early Muslims figures are hardly mentioned within Muslim circles, which has led to a disconnect with the young Muslim generation.

“For nations and Institutions to survive, their ideologies, characteristics, traditions, heritages and great things done in the past need to be preserved for future generations to maintain unity of direction,” Sheikhat Radhiyaah Namakula, the secretary for Women and Youth affairs at Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC).

This was during a meeting held with a select committee at UMSC under the chairmanship of the deputy Mufti Abdallah Ibrahim Ssemambo Tamusuza on the planned revival of Ssekabaka Nuhu Kalema grand annual Mawlid.

Prince Ibrahim Kalema Kimera a great grandson of Ssekabaka Nuhu Kalema said that many of them are descendants of Ssekabaka Nuhu Rashid Kalema and they not Muslims. So, the purpose of coming out is to remind Muslims to reclaim their lost heritage, which is Ssekabaka Nuhu Rashid Kalema.

On their side, the Royals were delighted and grateful to UMSC for accepting to revive the historical Mawlid, which had not been held for years. It will be held on October 30.

The meeting urged UMSC leaders at levels to mobilize Muslims in the respective areas to turn up in big numbers for the historical event.

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