
Government has admitted that the current spate of attacks targeting security personnel mostly for guns is being done by people with a subversive mind.

On Wednesday, the State Minister for Internal Affairs, Gen David Muhoozi updated Parliament about the recent attacks on security personnel, especially at Police Posts around the country.

“From November 2021 to date, we have registered several incidents of violent crime against security personnel including police and to a very lesser extent UPDF, involving the use of firearms. Some incidents of theft of firearms have also been registered,” Gen Muhoozi told parliament.

“According to available intelligence, the motives for these actions are acquisition of arms for subversive activities from the admissions and claims of some of the apprehended culprits, as well as for other criminal ends other than subversion. The details of the incidents will provide an apt illustration of this point.”

He however admitted that most, if not all of the incidents could have been prevented or thwarted had it not been for “some lapses which we are addressing”

The Internal Affairs minister told parliament that despite the attacks, government is determined to ensure culprits behind the wave of attacks are apprehended.

Gen Muhoozi said since the attacks started late last year,  a total of 22 suspects have been arrested  and 10 guns including one from the attack on a UPDF patrol in Kapeeka and the two stolen from a UPDF sentry at Gadaffi barracks recovered.


The Internal Affairs Minister briefed parliament that several other measures have been undertaken by government to deal with the issue of attacks on security personnel.

“We have undertaken the merging vulnerable smaller police posts and booths into sizeable units to improve operational efficiency and force protection. We have also undertaken better organisation of security installations with access controls, front desk staff as well as invisible reaction groups/persons being  re-designated. “

Gen Muhoozi said a team of senior officers headed by the Deputy IGP, Maj Gen Tumusiime Katsigazi has traversed the affected police regions to re- access security vigilance and alertness on duty.

This, he said,  is intended to ensure and enhance vigorous inspections of kit, installations and personnel readiness.

“We have ensured community mobilization through community policing to ensure public consciousness and vigilance. Firearms safety and control measures enhancement has taken place.”

The minister also informed parliament that to date, 76069 rifles have been finger printed.

“This is meant to enhance arms safety, accountability and tracking. The insertion of chips in gun grips is quite expensive but will be adopted to augment fingerprinting. The UPDF has already embarked on it.”

Earlier this week, the police spokesperson, Fred Enanga revealed that police and army commanders all over the country have been put on alert following the attacks.

He said all personnel have been asked to return fire in case attacked .

“The leadership of the joint security agencies has tasked all territorial commanders RPCs, DPCs, commanders of police stations, police posts, detaches, checkpoints to be prepared to respond to any form of violence that targets their personnel or facilities,”Enanga told journalists on Monday.

According to Enanga, whereas security personnel are trained on how to protect the public, they are also trained on how to use tactics and proportionate force under violent and unpredictable incidents like ambushes, attacks at checkpoints, detaches and other security facilities.

“We want to inform all security personnel that the leadership of joint security agencies stands with them and are doing everything possible to prevent such unprovoked attacks and ambushes on them. There should not be tolerance for attacks on security personnel and robbery of guns who are fundamental to public safety and security.”


Earlier this month, armed assailants attacked Busiika Police station in Luweero district in an incident that happened at around 7pm.

The armed assailants who were numbering between six and seven or thereabout approached Busiika town and ordered locals to close their shops.

They later emerged from three different sides, two in front and one from behind, were armed with a pistol and guns and shot at police officers at the station.

Two officers were killed on the spot whereas a civilian who had come to report a case and another police officer were injured.

A few weeks ago, assailants attacked a mini-checkpoint, one kilometer away from the main checkpoint to UPDF Gaddafi barracks in Jinja.

The assailants who seem to have been monitoring the activities at the mini-checkpoint struck and killed Sgt Eyamu Simon Peter, aged 45 who had been left alone with two guns after his colleague had gone to nearby shops to buy something at around 9pm.

They killed Eyamu and went away with the two guns.

Two people, including the UPDF officer who had gone for some errands away from the checkpoint have been arrested to aid in investigations.

On Monday evening, a private security guard was attacked by unknown people in Magere, Wakiso district and cut before the gun was taken.

Last week, police repulsed an attempted attack on its station at Nakulabye in Kampala prompting the attackers to flee the scene after being fired at by the officers on duty in an incident that happed at around 4am.

In Mbale district, unknown assailants broke into Bungokho police station and  stole two guns and a radio call.

Earlier, unknown assailants cut and killed two police officers manning a traffic checkpoint and took off with a gun in Luweero.

Security personnel have since these attacks started been put on high alert.

To this, personnel, especially those carrying guns have been warned against moving alone.

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