
Lango paramount chief elections may delay.

   The Election of the New paramount chief (Won nyaci) of lango could face a setback if the required Shs 40m for the cultural events is not secured in the next few days.

Last year the council of owitong approved a budget estimate of 40m presented by the electoral commission to support them in the forth coming election, however understands that only 20m has been collected so far.

 Addressing the council on January,11,2024, Benson Dila oyuku,the speaker of Lango cultural foundation urged that each clan leader should contribute 100,000  to support election.

 Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the electoral commission, Tom otim informed the meeting that out of the 149, clans,97 have already delivered name's of eligible voters in their record ,Otim said to clans have two or three clan leaders ( owitong).

The electoral commission chairperson has appealed to those clans head’s to sort out their issues with” ITogo” before the election to avoid inconvenience, saying the election process is on.

  Meanwhile Maxwell Akora,clan leaders of oyima, Also MP of Maruzi south, thanked the electoral commission for their efforts to Make sure that the election takes place on January, 31,2024. According to Akora they are waiting for the ministry of Gender labour And social development to gazette the new paramount chief.

Canon Richard Ogwang odyero,clan leader of ogora requested clan leaders to allow the electoral commission to do their job with out any interface from someone.He said those handling the ITogo department need to work hard to unite clan leaders before election day,he wants all the clans to participate in the planned election.

   Godfferey Etwop,is the clan leaders of ober, Said it's their work to contribute money And hand it over to the electoral commission early.

 The Lango paramount chief Muzze Yosam odur Ebil , urged members of the council to welcomed the election of Won nyaci, Yosam Said he is ready to moved across lango Sub region as he vacates the office on December,31,2024.
By Arao Denis

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