
Lira City in Darkness due to 293 street lights Break Down

A total of 223 solar panels lights have broken down in Lira City where it's has brought a lot of fear and anxiety among the residents and businesses operators following the break down.
The 223 solar panels lights are part of 293 street lights that was installed under the world bank funded programme together with the Uganda support to Municipal infrastructure development (USMID).
    Speaking to our news desk Freddie Owiny,the Lira City Engineer Said that after the installation of the street lights was Down,the authorities of Lira City look responsibility of the maintaining them, noted that Lira City council has earmarked about 120million to have all the broken street lamps repaired.
According to Owiny, the most affected Areas in Lira City are Oyam Road,Oyite Ojok Lane, and Obote Avenue among others.
By Arao Denis

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