
Lira City West Division DPC accused of connivance with thieves to defraud lodges

Lira city west division police commander Tenywa Ivan has been accused of conniving with thieves to defraud lodges.

For three consecutive times, some people who slept in different lodges located along Juba road complained of loss of their money.

The lodges where loss of cash was reported include; club 480, Freedom City Guest house and Mawaya Guest House in Lira.

Some of the people who usually have leisure at Mawaya Guest House said Lira city west division commander Tenywa ordered the arrest of two staff of Mawaya Guest House identified as; Patricia Apio and Nyangkori Oscar.

This was after one Wamala Denis from Mpigi district complained of losing his money from a room he had rented at the guest house.

Apio after her release from police custody said Wamala had rented a room at the guest house on Tuesday at around midday and left thereafter, only to return and claim that he had lost 2 million shillings which he presumed to have been stolen from his rented room.

Apio said that after checking their CCTV camera footage, it showed that nobody had entered Wamala’s room.

She added that Wamala called the DPC who sent police that arrested them.

Okot Jonald the councilor of Kokoge ward, Lira city west division said the proprietor of club 480 lost 30 million shillings to a suspected fraudster who also called DPC Tenywa and reported alleged theft of his money.

He said this could mean that the DPC is conniving with fraudsters to steal from lodges.

Ogwal Davis Patrick a resident of Ober Entebbe accused DPC Tenywa of also conniving with other thieves to waylay people at night and has not taken action against them, calling for his transfer.

However, Lira City west division commander Tenywa Ivan said he was only performing his duty to respond to emergencies when called. He adds that he rescued several people who had been waylaid including Lira city mayor, Sam Atul, Ambrose Otim, an UMEME staff whose home was surrounded by suspected thieves.

About Wamala, Tenywa said they opened a case of misinformation and he is in police custody as investigation against him continues.

He cautioned owners of Lodges to register particulars and property of their clients to mitigate such incidences.

By Arao Denis

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