
Member of Parliament Alyek sad after 3231 young girls get pregnant in kole district.

Northern uganda

     Member of parliament Alyek sad after 3231 young girls get pregnant in kole district. 

   Kole District local government is grappling with the high level of teenage pregnancy among school ongoing girls  aged between 12 to 17 yrs. 

  A report by the health department for kole district, 3231, young girls get pregnant in 2021 and most of them are pupils. 

 This was released at a recent meeting held at the district , where mp Alyek the woman members of parliament for kole district also doubling as the chairperson lango parliamentary group's, 

  Alyek Judith said she is not happy with the report showing the high number of young girls getting pregnant are increasing every day. 

She was comments were during a Fete to mark world teachers day for kole district that was held at Abim primary school in Alito sub country ikole district. 

 Lastly mp Alyek added that numbers of girls leaving school at a tender age, meaning that kole may not have leaders to replace them in the future. ,she tasked parents and others stakeholders to take the mantle of ensuring that girls stay in school. 

Tom okare the district Education officer of kole confirmed the matter, and statistics of 3231 young girls who got pregnant in the district are tured. 

  Speaking to our reporter towards this matter the  Northern youths mp Bonny okot, who also from kole south. appealed to the children to be sub massive to their parents and listen to their edvice and accept to continue studying because with out Education their future is a bad state. 

Mp Okot who want to contest as Mp for kole south in the general election of 2026, said all this issue come out as a result of covld 19, where he urged parents to allow their children be in school and study as they are still young.

By Arao Denis

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