
No person should campaign against the party flag bearer in Dokolo – Namayanja

The NRM caucus sat for a conference on March 2 in Dokolo and it was advised that no person should campaign against the party flag Bearer

The conference was officiated by the NRM Deputy Secretary General Rose Namayanja Nsereko. She was accompanied by Rosemary Sseninde, national director for mobilisation, among others.

While handing over the NRM flag to Adongo Rose Janet Elau, Namayanja urged the conference (NRM members) in Dokolo to endeavour and offer more to Elau.

She said a repeat of what happened in the Oyam North MP by-election will not happen in Dokolo.

The NRM candidate Samuel Okello Engola Jr came second. His loss was attributed to among others, disunity in the NRM camp.

Namayanja while in Dokolo at the weekend said they have not conducted a primary election because the NRM flag bearer was already there since 2021.

She thanked the Dokolo district NRM chairperson Beatrice Abang Molly Kia who respected the party and stepped down in favour of Elau.

On February 17, Rosemary Seninde addressed the NRM party structures at Dokolo Catholic parish hall in Dokolo town council.

In that meeting, two aspirants: Lillian Auma and Judith Ayugi stepped down.

Kia did not and vowed to run on an independent ticket

Rebecca Arao, Dr Grace Anna Atine, and Irene Amongi who are all NRM, say they will continue to mobilise voters and contest as independent candidates.

“There is no one who is above the party but the party is bigger than everyone,” said Sseninde.

She added that whoever has failed to step down will not be considered ahead of the 2026 general election.

“I’m not bigger than the party, a reason why I have stepped down and I’m ready to campaign for NRM flag bearer,” Kia said.

The chairperson of Dokolo district NRM caucus Ambrose Ogwang, said the money always sent for lower campaigns to facilitate members is unfortunately never received.

Ogwang requested the NRM top officials from the secretariat to value the lower leaders from the village to the district levels to avoid misconduct and discourage leaders from work.

Dokolo South MP, Felix Okot Ogong in his remarks said President Museveni got over 60% of the votes in Dokolo district in the 2021 general elections.

Okot encouraged the public to vote for the NRM candidate so that “service delivery reaches our local community”.

MP Okot also requested the government through NRM officials who were in Dokolo to upgrade Dokolo Health C IV to a district Hospital, including Dokolo town council to a municipality.

“I’m not going to step down,” Irene Amongi said. “I’m not going to step down because of the powers of the voters, powers belong to the local community, and I assure you that I will pass this forthcoming by-election.”

Amongi said, “The NRM flag bearer can’t defeat me and holding the flag can’t show that you are going to pass”.

“The statement raised by the chief guest (Namayanja) can’t stop me from contesting as an independent candidate.”

Elau and others, including the daughter of the late Cecilia Atim Ogwal, Dr Rosemary Alwoc Ogwal (FDC) will be nominated by the electoral commission between March 11 and 12 ahead of a by-election on March 21.

President Museveni (national chairman of NRM) is expected to campaign for Elau on March 19, according to Namayanja.

By Arao Denis

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