
Fisherman killed by mob-Amolatar

In a report by police according to SP Jimmy Patrick Okema the PRO for North Kyoga region said there officers in Amolatar district are closely investigating the suspected murder by Mob of Okello Jasper.

SP Jimmy Patrick Okema said preliminary finding indicate that Okello who was a fisherman and a resident of Ogwenyere cell,Barakwanga Ward,Namasale Sub county in Amolatar district was beated by a group of angry Mobs.

The crime happened on the 2 March 2024, From Pangani B cell,Kikondo parish Namasale Sub county in Amolatar district on allegations that he failed to tell them where Elilu Sam was.

Elilu Sam is believed to be an informant for the Fishery protection unit,there after they suspected that he informed the FPU Fishermen from colleagues Denis Opio who drown in the lake on 2 March 2024.

According to Afande Okema,this annoyed the Mob, therefore they wanted to get Elilu Sam an informant with FPU but instead ended all claiming he knows Where Elilu is.police was informed about the incident and a team led by the O/C Amolatar central police station responded to the scene on instruction of the DPC,Soco documented it the deceased body was conveyed to Amolatar health center IV for postmortem.

 The alleged body of opio Denis who drowned has Also been retrieved and quickly buried by the relatives with out a postmortem report,

One suspect Orech Samuel 40,from Pangani village, Kikondo parish, Namasale Sub county in Amolatar district who was arrested for allegal fishing by the Fishery protection unit was handed over to the police at Amolatar CPS for Further investigation.

 As Police we are strongly condemning this primitive approach by the community members of taking the law in their hands under the disguise of handling of matter,we appeal to the local leadership, Fishery protection unit team and the area police commander to continue engaging the community members on the dangerous of illegal fishing and engaging into the act.
By Arao Denis

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