
Oyam District Education Officer has banned discos and loud music near schools.

Oyam District Education Officer, Francis Oleke has banned night discos and playing loud music at all trading centers near schools in the district.

Oleke Okato who was addressing education stakeholders at Oyam council hall said night discos and playing loud music near schools could impact on students’ performance negatively.

He said the ban will be lifted after O’ level and P.7 candidates complete the exams.

Oleke said the UCE examinations are going on well in the district and expressed hope that they will register good performance.

Beatrice Okello the LCV councilor of Abok and Ngai Sub Counties who doubles as secretary health and education of Oyam district warned people against defying the ban as culprits will be arrested and followed with the law.

S.4 candidates begun their exams on Monday this week and it will run till 18 November 2022 while P.7 candidates will sit for the exams on 8 and 9 November 2022.

On the other hand A’ level candidates will sit for their exams from 21 November to 9 December 2022.

By Arao Denis

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